What Is a SEN Child?

If a child has what is a sen child, their education should be tailored to suit their specific needs. This may involve a range of interventions that are added to the high-quality whole-class teaching that their school already delivers. These inventions may help a child to fulfil their potential without being singled out for attention or taken out of class for sessions (these outcomes could be factored into lesson time).

A clear analysis of the student’s needs must take place. This should involve the student’s class or subject teachers and their SENCO along with any relevant outside professionals. Where parents are involved in a child’s statutory assessment, it is good practice to ask for their views as well.

Building Strong Partnerships: Collaboration Between Parents and Educators for SEN Students

Traditionally, many children who have SEN are classified as disabled, but this is changing. There is now a push to avoid this term because it carries a stigma and can create barriers in a student’s life. It is preferable to use the phrase ‘learning difference’ as this is more accurate, especially when considering conditions like dyslexia.

Some learners’ SEN may be identified by their need for an additional SEN support package, or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). In this instance, the school is required to begin to put some strategies into place, in consultation with the SENCO, even before a formal diagnosis has been made. These strategies should be reflected in the school’s ethos, policies and practices. They should also be underpinned by a positive approach to behaviour.